報告(一) :
The State of the Art of Collaborative Neurodynamic Optimization
The past four decades witnessed the birth and growth of neurodynamic optimization, which has emerged as a potentially powerful problem-solving tool for constrained optimization due to its inherent nature of biological plausibility and parallel and distributed information processing. Despite the success, almost all existing neurodynamic approaches a few years ago worked well only for optimization problems with convex or generalized convex functions. Effective neurodynamic approaches to optimization problems with nonconvex functions and discrete variables are rarely available. In this talk, the advances in neurodynamic optimization will be presented. Specifically, In the proposed collaborative neurodynamic optimization framework, multiple neurodynamic optimization models with different initial states are employed for scattered searches. In addition, a meta-heuristic rule in swarm intelligence (such as PSO) is used to reposition neuronal states upon their local convergence to escape local minima toward global optima. Problem formulations and experimental results will be elaborated to substantiate the viability and efficacy of several specific paradigms in this framework for supervised/semi-supervised feature selection, supervised learning, vehicle-task assignment, model predictive control, financial portfolio selection, and energy load dispatching.
Jun Wang is the Dean of the School of Data Scienceand a Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong. Prior to this position, he held various academic positions at Dalian University of Technology, Case Western Reserve University, University of North Dakota, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also held various short-term visiting positions at USAF Armstrong Laboratory, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering and an M.S. degree from Dalian University of Technology and his Ph.D. degree from Case Western Reserve University. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. He is an IEEE Life Fellow, IAPR Fellow, and a foreign member of Academia Europaea. He is a recipient ofthe APNNA Outstanding Achievement Award, IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award, CAAI Wu Wenjun AI Achievement Award, and IEEE SMCS Norbert Wiener Award, among other distinctions.
報告(二) 🉐:
陳俊龍(C. L. Philip Chen)博士⏰,國家特聘專家🤏🏼,華南理工大學計算機學院院長、講座教授🏋🏻。陳教授是中國自動化學會副理事長🏂🏿🦹🏽、教育部健康智能與數字平行人工程中心主任🏃🏻👷🏿♂️、 廣東省計算智能與網絡空間信息重點實驗室主任、廣東省人工智能產業協會聯席會長。他是IEEE Fellow☎️、AAAS Fellow、IAPR Fellow、 歐洲科學院院士(Academia Europaea)、歐洲科學與藝術院院士(European Academy of Sciences and Arts)、中國自動化學會(CAA) 👮🏿♀️、中國人工智能學會(CAAI)及香港工程師學會 (HKIE) Fellow🥐。陳教授曾任IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics (2020-2021),及IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (2014-2019)兩個頂級SCI期刊主編🙏🏽,曾任該學會國際總主席 (2012-2013),也是國內期刊 CAAI Trans on AI,《中國科學》🤷🏽,和《自動化學報》的編委。 2018年陳教授獲得了IEEE系統科學控製論的最高學術維納獎(Norbert Wiener Award),獲 2021 IEEE Joseph Wohl 終身成就獎,及我國吳文俊人工智能傑出貢獻獎。陳教授科研方向主要在智能系統與控製,計算智能🔓,混合智能,數據科學方向,他是2018-2022連續5年Clarivate Analytics的全球高被引科學家(2018 在計算機,2018-2022年在工程及計算機雙學科)。他曾獲中國自動化學會自然科學獎及廣東省科技進步獎一等獎🎟。
報告(三) :
金龍分別於2011年和2016年在中山大學獲得學士學位和博士學位,2016年至2017年在香港理工大學擔任博士後研究員,2017年2月加入蘭州大學🧘🏼♂️,任教授👩🏼🎤、博士生導師🌵🙇🏽,2020年入選蘭州大學“萃英學者”特聘教授,2023年任香港城市大學計算機系訪問教授🏡🧑🏼🍼。主持國家自然科學基金青年/面上/中英國際合作🪑、國家重點研發計劃課題🤸、甘肅省自然科學基金重點/傑青、以及中國電子學會-騰訊Robotics-X項目🕵🏿📊、CCF-百度松果基金項目等。多次入選愛思唯爾“中國高被引學者”;以第一完成人或者唯一完成人獲得中國人工智能學會優秀博士學位論文獎勵🦪、吳文俊人工智能優秀青年獎勵🧒🏻、甘肅省科技獎自然科學二等獎、中國自動化學會自然科學二等獎;以第二完成人獲得省部級科技獎兩項;指導的學生論文5次入選國家一級學會以及甘肅省優秀學位論文🧘🏼♂️。目前擔任包括IEEE TIV, CAAI TRIT等多個SCI期刊副編輯等職務。研究興趣包括神經網絡、機器人、分布式系統和智能計算。
報告(四) 🚍: