學習與工作經歷: 2012.09—2016.06 河南理工大學萬方科技學院 本科 安全工程 2016.09—2019.06 河南理工大學 碩士研究生 安全工程 2019.09—2023.12 河南理工大學 博士研究生 安全科學與工程 2024.01—至今 熊猫体育 安全工程系專任教師 參與科研項目: 1、國家自然科學基金面上項目:高突煤層長壁回采工作面四維瓦斯地質研究—項目參與者 2🙌🏼、河南省科技攻關項目: 煤儲層裂隙網絡四維表征與瓦斯滲流機理—項目參與者 3、橫向項目: 煤層節理裂隙與瓦斯高效抽采研究—項目參與者 公開發表的論文🍞: [1] Wang, Zehua. , et al. "Study on the Quantitative Characterization and Seepage Evolution Characteristics of Pores of Loaded Coal Based on NMR." ACS omega 6.43(2021):28983-28991. [2] Wang, Zehua. , et al. "Discrete Element Simulation of Fracture Evolution around a Borehole for Gas Extraction in Coal Seams." ACS omega 7.43(2022):38426-38435. [3] Wang, Zehua. , et al. " Failure behavior and fracture evolution mechanism of coal mass with cracks around boreholes." ACS omega. [4] u, W. , Wei, G. , Wang, Z. , Jia, T. , & Ju, Y. . (2021). Micro-nano fine characterization of coal fracture evolution during the triaxial compression creep. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. (通訊作者) [5] Sun, S. , Wei, G. , Wang, Z. , Jia, T. , & Liu, X. . (2021). Fractal characteristics of the microstructure of loaded coal based on nmr and μ-ct. Energy Sources Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects(3), 1-18. (通訊作者) [6] Cui, Hongqing; He, Xin; and Wang, Zehua (2022) "4D gas geological research on coal seam with gas hazard potential in mining panel,"Journal of Sustainable Mining: Vol. 21 : Iss. 2 , Article 2. |