E-mail: xuehaizhang@henau.edu.cn
2004.09-2008.06 熊猫体育 生物技術 學士
2008.09-2010.06 武漢大學 遺傳學 碩士
2010.08-2011.03 湖北惠民農業科技有限公司
2011.03-2011.09 華中農業大學 作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室 科研助理
2011.09-2016.12 華中農業大學 遺傳學 博士
2017.03 - 至今 河南農業大學 講師
2018.04 - 至今 河南農業大學 碩士生導師
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31871641),zma-miR159c調控玉米籽粒發育的級聯基因表達調控網絡研究👩🏻🍼,60萬🧝🏽♀️,2019/01-2022/12, 參與(在研);
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31771800),RNA結合蛋白DEK6調控玉米籽粒發育的分子機製🧚♀️,59萬✌🏽,2019/01-2022/12,🩷,參與(在研);
3. 2018年度河南省科技攻關項目(182102110349),玉米穗行數主效QTL的精細定位及候選基因功能研究🍶,2018/01-2019/12, 主持(在研)📘;
4. 河南農業大學博士科研啟動金,玉米穗行數主效QTL的精細定位👮🏻,2017,10萬🧏🏿🦧,主持(在研)🪪;
5. 省部共建小麥玉米作物學國家重點實驗室自主設置課題(39990080)🧑🏽🦲🚣,玉米C型胞質不育基因的克隆與作用機製研究🎅🏽,39萬🏍,2018/01-2019/12, 主持(在研);
6. 國家“十三五”重點研發計劃,玉米種質資源精準鑒定與創新利用(2016YFD0100103)-玉米種質表型組的鑒定與分析,2016/07-2020/12💁🏼♀️,80萬元,骨幹(在研);
7. 國家自然科學基金(31401389),結合連鎖和關聯分析剖析玉米雌穗性狀的遺傳基礎,2013/01-2016/12,25萬元,參與(已結題);
8. 國家自然科學基金(31123009),玉米和水稻重要性狀的全基因組關聯分析,2012/01-2015/12,300萬元🖋,參與(已結題)😥;
發表論文 (註:# 第一作者,* 通訊作者)
1. Xia Shi#, Xuehai Zhang#, Dakun Shi, Xiangge Zhang, Weihua Li*, Jihua Tang*. Dissecting Heterosis During the Ear Inflorescence Development Stage in Maize via a Metabolomics-based Analysis. Scientific Report. 2019, 9(1):212 (IF=4.122)
1. Zhao Z#, Zhang H#, Fu Z, Chen H, Lin Y, Yan P, Li W, Xie H, Guo Z, Zhang X*, Tang J*. Genetic-based dissection of arsenic accumulation in maize using a genome-wide association analysis method. Plant Biotechnol J. 2018, 16(5):1085-1093 (IF= 7.443)
2. Jin M, Liu X*, Jia W, Liu H, Li W, Peng Y, Du Y, Wang Y, Yin Y, Zhang X, Liu Q, Deng M, Li N, Cui X, Hao D, Yan J*. ZmCOL3, a CCT gene represses flowering in maize by interfering with the circadian clock and activating expression of ZmCCT. J Integr Plant Biol. 2018, 60(6):465-480. (IF= 3.962)
3. Feng Yu, Kun Liang, Zuxin Zhang, Dengxiang Du, Xuehai Zhang, Hailiang Zhao, UI haq Basir, Fazhan Qiu*. Dissecting the genetic architecture of waterlogging stress‑related traits uncovers a key waterlogging tolerance gene in maize. Theor Appl Genet. 2018, 131(11):2299-2310
4. 劉坤#, 張雪海#🌙,孫高陽👏🏼,閆鵬帥,郭海平,陳思遠,薛亞東🧖🏽,郭戰勇,謝惠玲🪻,湯繼華,李衛華*. 玉米株型相關性狀的全基因組關聯分析. 中國農業科學. 2018, 51(5):821-834
5. 田潤苗#🧑🧑🧒🧒,張雪海#,湯繼華🆓,白光紅,付誌遠*. 玉米種子萌發相關性狀的全基因組關聯分析.作物學報. 2018. 44 (5): 672-685.
6. 孫粲然,張雪海🫱🏽,馬指揮,郭戰勇,湯繼華,付誌遠*. 玉米籽粒澱粉粒密度基因tw1的精細定位. 中國農業科學. 2018, 51(7):1233-1243
1. Zhang X#, Huang C#, Wu D, Qiao F, Li W, Duan L, Wang K, Xiao Y, Chen G, Liu Q, Xiong L, Yang W*, Yan J*. High-throughput phenotyping and QTL mapping reveals the genetic architecture of maize plant growth. Plant Physiol. 2017, 173(3):1554 (IF= 6.456)
2. Jin M#, Zhang X#, Zhao M, Deng M, Du Y, Zhou Y, Wang S, Tohge T, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Brotman Y, Yan J, Wen W*. Integrated genomics-based mapping reveals the genetics underlying maize flavonoid biosynthesis. BMC Plant Biology. 2017, 17(1):17. (IF= 3.964,)
3. Deng M, Li D, Luo J, Xiao Y, Liu H, Pan Q, Zhang X, Jin M, Zhao M, Yan J*. The genetic architecture of amino acids dissection by association and linkage analysis in maize. Plant Biotechnol J. 2017, 15(10):1250-1263 (IF= 7.443)
4. Liu J, Huang J, Guo H, Lan L, Wang H, Xu Y, Yang X, Li W, Tong H, Xiao Y, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Zhan W, Liu N, Chen G, Li Q*, Yan J*. The conserved and unique genetic architecture of kernel size and weight in maize and rice. Plant Physiol. 2017, 175(2):774-785 (IF= 6.456)
5. 黃成龍,張雪海,吳迪,葉軍立,楊萬能*. 基於時間序列的玉米葉片性狀動態提取方法研究. 農業機械科學. 2017, 48(5):174-178
1. Zhang X, Warburton ML, Setter T, Liu H, Xue Y, Yang N, Yan J, Xiao Y*. Genome-wide association studies with drought related metabolic changes in maize using an enlarged SNP panel. Theor Appl Genet. 2016, 129(8):1449-1463. (IF= 4.132)
2. Liang X, Wang K, Huang C, Zhang X, Yan J, Yang W*. A high-throughput maize kernel traits scorer based on line-scan imaging. Measurement. 2016, 90:453-460. (IF= 2.359)
3. Liu H, Wang F, Xiao Y, Tian Z, Wen W, Zhang X, Chen X, Liu N, Li W, Liu L, Liu J, Yan J, Liu J*. MODEM: multi-omics data envelopment and mining in maize. Database, 2016, 2016: baw117 (IF= 3.29)
4. Xiao Y#, Tong H#, Yang X, Xu S, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Luo Y, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhan W, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Cai Y, Xu G, Wang W, Zheng D, Yan J*. Genome-wide dissection of the maize ear genetic architecture using multiple populations. New Phytol. 2016, 20(3):1095-106. (IF=7.33)
1. Xue Y, Warburton ML, Sawkins M, Zhang X, Setter T, Xu Y, Grudloyma P, Gethi J, Ribaut JM, Li W, Zhang X, Zheng Y, Yan J*. Genome-wide association analysis for nine agronomic traits in maize under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. Theor Appl Genet. 2013, 126(10):2587-2596. (IF= 3.658)
受邀為Theor Appl Genet, The Plant Genome, 3 Biotech, Crop & Pasture Science等期刊審稿人